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Tag: Treatment

How Do I Know if I Am an Alcoholic?

Sometimes, the line between drinking socially and abusing alcohol can be blurry. What defines alcohol abuse? Is your drinking more of a social thing or a coping mechanism? Are you an alcoholic? Often, the answer isn’t black and white. If you are questioning whether your drinking has become a problem, there are a few things to consider. A few questions you might ask yourself could include the following:

  • How much are you drinking?
  • At what frequency would you say you drink?
  • Is alcohol interfering with your responsibilities?
  • Are you taking risks or putting yourself or others in danger?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you are not drinking?


The amount of alcohol you consume at one time is a huge factor. Social or casual drinking usually consists of having a couple of drinks after work or on the weekends. It could involve drinking for an occasion or at a special event. The key here is that you aren’t drinking to get drunk. You are aware of your limits and know when to stop.

If drinking is, in fact, a problem, you may drink large quantities at a time. This could lead to sickness or blacking out. You may be unaware of your limit, or you may have no concern for the amount you drink or the consequences.


How often you drink is also essential to consider. Some people who drink casually may have a beverage or two every day. More commonly, however, social drinkers tend to only partake on the weekends or during certain activities or events. The quantity you drink and at what frequency is especially relevant.

For example, there is a big difference between having a glass of wine with dinner each night and finishing a few bottles. If you find that you are drinking in excess regularly and find it difficult to stop or limit yourself, it may be time to seek help.

Interfering With Life

If alcohol begins to take such a priority that it interferes with other aspects of your life, this is a sign that you may have a problem. When people are struggling with alcohol addiction, it can be common for their performance and functioning at work and home to begin to slack.

You may notice that you struggle with short-term memory or focus. Staying on task can be difficult when you are battling addiction, especially if you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Family members may notice a difference in your behavior or level of interest. It can be hard to balance your typical responsibilities when you have developed an addiction.


Do you sometimes drink heavily and choose to get behind the wheel? This can be a sign of a problem. If you find yourself consuming large amounts of alcohol and driving while intoxicated, you are taking a considerable risk. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but others too.

Those struggling with an addiction to alcohol are also more likely to black out or behave in ways that may be out of character. Blacking out results in memory loss and a lack of awareness and allows an opportunity for assault or other forms of harm.


Withdrawal occurs when you drink heavily for long periods of time. Your body and your central nervous system adapt and respond to the presence of alcohol in your system. This disrupts normal functioning and sends your body into overdrive in order to keep your brain and organs functioning. Once your body becomes accustomed to running this way, it continues to do so even on days you do not drink. This is what causes the unpleasant symptoms.

If you find that you are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, it likely means you are drinking large quantities at a high frequency. Seeking treatment can help you detox and rid your body of all of the toxins. Your brain and body can then learn how to function again without alcohol. A few symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can include:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety

Seeking Treatment

Enlightened Solutions offers a variety of treatment methods for drug and alcohol addiction. Our holistic approach promotes healing the body, mind, and spirit. This allows clients to achieve overall wellness and develop strategies for maintaining it throughout recovery.

Our program begins with detox, which allows your body to cleanse itself of all substances and start fresh. Following detox, you will begin participating in various groups, activities, and therapeutic experiences. A few of our treatment strategies include:

Determining whether or not you have a drinking problem can be challenging. If you can relate to any of the issues mentioned above, it may be time to seek help.

Admitting that you have an addiction to alcohol can be difficult. What you considered social or casual drinking may have gotten a little out of control over the years. Some turn to alcohol in response to trauma, loss, or conflict. Regardless of what led to your addiction, Enlightened Solutions is here and ready to help. We conduct a thorough assessment at intake to help identify any underlying conditions and determine what could have contributed to your alcohol abuse. Treating the whole person is our goal. Our staff and therapists can help you develop healthy routines and habits that will enhance your recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

What Is Codependency and Am I Impacted by It?

Codependency refers to being reliant on someone else for your own happiness and sense of well-being. In a codependent relationship, one individual requires the support of the codependent person. Over time, both individuals will normalize their lack of independence and rely on one another in unhealthy ways. You can see how this could create some conflict. It can even destroy the relationship by leading to resentment or unhealthy boundaries.

In terms of addiction, codependency usually refers to a loved one becoming consumingly concerned with supporting and caring for another. For the person struggling with an addiction to substances such as benzos, opioids, or alcohol, this can encourage substance use. This can lead to enabling and create more of a problem for both people.

In a codependent relationship, there is an imbalance. One person is putting in a lot of effort while the other is not. Often, this level of giving and not receiving leads to neglect of the codependent person’s personal needs. This can result in poor mental health, financial struggles, and resentment toward the other person.

Signs of Codependency

There are some telltale signs of codependency that could indicate a problem. Sometimes, it can be hard to detect codependency in the thick of things. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you may not discover it until treatment is underway and you both begin to recover. Getting help can help restore balance to the relationship and allow time and space for healing.

It is important to know that codependent relationships stretch far beyond solely romantic relationships or partnerships. Still, it is important to be aware of the common signs that could indicate that your relationship with a loved one may be codependent.

Weak Boundaries

One of the signs of codependency is weak boundaries. Setting boundaries in relationships is essential. When it comes to addiction, boundaries are often crossed or disregarded. For the codependent person, boundaries are not important. They are so concerned with caring for the other person that they lose sight of what is important to them.

Unhealthy Caretaking

Often, a codependent person takes on the role of taking care of the other. This may eventually cause them to neglect their own needs. Rather than prioritizing their own health and well-being, a codependent person may prioritize the health and well-being of their partner who is struggling with an addiction. This might involve paying their partner’s bills or loaning them money. It could also include offering a place to live or providing transportation.

Many consider themselves caretakers by nature. Having a gift or passion for caring for others is very different than codependency. Caring for others while also caring for yourself can be healthy and rewarding. However, taking on the caretaker role while ignoring your own self-care and mental health is harmful.

Low Self-Esteem or Self-Worth

In a codependent relationship, the person struggling with codependency often experiences low self-esteem or self-worth. This is because they gauge their worth by the success, happiness, and well-being, of the other person. Taking on this responsibility can be a huge burden and is often a losing battle.

If your loved one is struggling with addiction, chances are they will not be successful or well until they seek treatment and begin their recovery journey. Working to control the situation and worrying about their well-being amidst their addiction can be exhausting and defeating.

This leads to low self-esteem and discouragement that carries over into all areas of life for the codependent. They may see their performance at work start to falter. Other relationships may begin to fail or become tense and uncomfortable. Their ability to communicate and make decisions can also be affected.

Identifying and Healing From Codependency

Enlightened Solutions helps clients and their families heal after addiction and learn to grow together in recovery. Parents, spouses, or other loved ones often become so concerned with controlling and managing the situation that they become codependent without realizing it.

Our family programs help loved ones identify codependency and work to become stronger in order to improve wellness and serve as a healthy support system. We understand the impact addiction can have on the family and recognize the need family members have for healing as well.

Codependency affects many people who are impacted by addiction. It not only brings the person experiencing codependency down but also enables the destructive behavior fueling the addiction. This prolongs the problem and leads to more potential for problems such as increased use, overdose, and more.

Identifying codependency is critical. If you discover that you have any of the signs noted above, it may be time to seek help. Our staff at Enlightened Solutions can help you and your family determine the best course of action to ensure success and healing.

Don’t let codependency keep your loved one from getting the help they need. Enabling their addiction is causing more harm and is not addressing the real problem. Encourage treatment instead.

No one wants to admit that codependency is affecting their relationships and life. It can be embarrassing or shameful for some. The truth is that it can be pretty common in the realm of addiction. Loved ones can become so consumed with caring for and worrying about their spouse or family member that they develop codependency without realizing it. It is important to recognize that codependent actions often lead to enabling the behavior of a person struggling with addiction. This only prolongs their substance use and keeps them from seeking treatment. At Enlightened Solutions, we offer a variety of groups through our family program that can help identify and address codependency. This will allow for healing and growth and can instill strategies for setting healthy boundaries and mending broken relationships. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, we would love to help. Call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

How Do I Explain Employment Gaps Due to Addiction Treatment?

For many, a job is more than just a means of making money; it can be part of their overall identity and why they get up each day. Because employment is so important, it can serve as a barrier to seeking treatment. The thought of losing a job or having a gap in one’s employment history due to treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol can be troubling.

The truth is, you may be questioned if there are gaps in employment on your resume. In today’s society, hundreds, even thousands of people are often applying for just one job. The thought of this can be very discouraging for anyone looking for work.

Since the job market is so competitive these days, it is essential to be prepared to explain any gaps in employment you may have due to seeking addiction treatment.

Build New Skills

If you make the decision to seek treatment and potentially step away from work, it is important to take full advantage of the opportunities provided. Focus on the new skills you are developing and make every effort to learn when you can. Many of the groups and therapeutic activities that are offered by treatment facilities provide chances to learn new things.

For example, you might pick up a new hobby during horticulture therapy that could eventually lead to an employment opportunity. You might gain new or improved interpersonal skills as a result of a therapy group that will serve you well in your next interview.

Prepare for Future Job Interviews

Preparing is one of the best ways to ensure an interview goes as planned. If you have gaps in your employment history, you need to come prepared to discuss them. While they may not even come up, it is a good idea to have something to say if you are questioned.

Coming prepared for an interview also involves doing a little research. Look into the mission of the company. Research the size and recent growth patterns. Think about what skills you can offer to enhance the organization. Also, be ready to ask a few questions of your own based on your research. The better the conversation goes, the less likely they are to harp on anything from your past.

Be Honest

When discussing reasons for your gaps in employment with a potential supervisor or interviewer, be honest. Often, employers will understand and support your decision to step away from work to seek treatment.

It can be intimidating to have a conversation like this when you are unsure of the outcome. When you are new in recovery, you want to find a workplace that is supportive. Surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you and lift you up. is critical If you find that the discussion does not go as planned after being honest about your past, it may not be the right fit.

Focus on Healing

Seeking treatment for addiction can be a little scary. Walking away from a job or a career to seek help is not always easy, even when you know it is the right thing to do. The truth is, you are not functioning your best at work, or at home, while you are struggling with addiction.

It is time to put yourself first and focus on healing. You will develop new skills, improve your focus, boost your energy levels, and increase your overall wellness by choosing to seek treatment. A gap in employment due to your addiction is a hurdle you can overcome. Focus on the good. Imagine what you will bring to your next job as a result of your sobriety.

Career Building Programs in Recovery

There are several ways to make this transition into the workforce easier. One way is to continue participating in something worthy of noting on your resume while in treatment. Enlightened Solutions offers several different programs through our Enlightened Farm. These programs are designed to help clients develop new skills, build confidence, and give back to the community in a productive and meaningful way.

Enlightened Farm allows those in inpatient treatment, partial care, and sober living – as well as community members – to get involved. The Growing Gratitude Program provides an opportunity to give back through community service. This promotes skill-building and general farm knowledge, which can be added to a resume and used again.

The Solid Roots Employment Program offers job opportunities and stable income for those in sober living and who are new to recovery. This can serve as an excellent stepping stone between treatment and embarking on a new career path.

Having to explain a lapse in employment can be uncomfortable. Going into treatment knowing you are going to have a gap to explain to future employers can sometimes serve as a deterrent for seeking help. Don’t let this keep you from getting help. There is plenty you can do while in treatment for addiction to make sure you are gaining experience, building skills, and preparing for life and success afterward. At Enlightened Solutions, we provide several different opportunities through the Enlightened Farm to help clients develop new transferrable skills, gain work experience, and earn an income in recovery. Our therapy and wellness groups also promote skill development and provide chances to practice and improve various soft skills. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, we would love to hear from you. To begin healing, call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

Harnessing Your Creativity in Treatment and Recovery

Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Whether your answer is yes or no, creative outlets are important to have when recovering from substance use disorders (SUDs). They can serve as healthy escapes or coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety.

Creativity can be incorporated into almost any activity. Take cooking, for example. You are expressing your creativity by putting your own spin on a recipe. Maybe you are decorating cookies for a holiday party. This involves creativity too!

Expressing creativity is something we all should strive to do. Creating has a long list of benefits regarding mood, mental health, and motivation. In treatment and recovery, finding ways to express yourself creatively can enhance your experience and lead to better success long term.

Benefits of Creativity

As mentioned, finding creative outlets and opportunities for expressing creativity can have many advantages. For those struggling with addiction, creative activities can offer a reprieve from the many significant challenges associated with it.

#1 Aids in Relaxation and Stress Reduction

For many, activities that involve being creative can offer a sense of relaxation. This could include drawing, painting, making pottery, writing, and more. The therapeutic nature of these activities can help calm your nerves and help you focus on what your hands are creating in the moment. This allows you to drown out the things that may be weighing you down or causing stress.

#2 Boosts Confidence

There is something about creating something beautiful with your own two hands that brings a sense of pride. Even if the result may not seem beautiful to others, the beauty is often in the process. Learning to create something usually involves developing new skills. With building new skills comes more confidence.

#3 Fosters Socialization and Community

Activities that involve creativity can often be delivered in group settings. This creates an opportunity for you to bond with others over a common goal. Even if everyone is creating something of their own, the shared experience promotes communication and bonding.

Creative Expression During Treatment

At Enlightened Solutions, you are sure to exercise your creativity regularly. We offer a variety of therapeutic activities that promote healing and encourage creative expression. You may even discover a skill or ability to create that you did not know you had before entering treatment.

We understand that talk therapy can sometimes be intimidating or difficult, especially in the early stages of treatment and recovery. Expressive art therapy techniques, such as the ones we utilize, offer you a different modality for expressing your thoughts and feelings. It can be hard to find words to explain certain emotions at times. Painting a picture or writing a poem that is representative of how you are feeling can sometimes feel more manageable.

Our treatment facility utilizes a variety of different mediums when it comes to expressive art therapy. We offer art therapy groups that can involve painting, sculpting, sketching, and more. Our music therapy classes may include listening to music, playing musical instruments, or even singing. We also aim to help clients harness creativity throughout wellness and nutrition groups.

Creative Outlets Enhance Motivation in Treatment

Staying motivated to engage in creativity-focused activities throughout treatment and recovery can sometimes be challenging. This is most common, perhaps, once you have completed treatment and resumed your busy schedule. It is essential, however, to make time for the things that help you manage stress, build confidence, and offer a sense of community.

This may take some planning ahead and time management. For some, expressing creativity may fall into the self-care category due to the mental health and mood-boosting advantages. Learn more about the importance of self-care in recovery here.

It is essential to recognize how versatile exercising creativity can be. It may look different for everyone. Think about how you might be able to express creativity while participating in hobbies or activities you already enjoy. For example, consider taking a photo of the beautiful sunset next time you are out on your paddleboard. Photography can serve as an excellent creative outlet. Or, consider picking up a few flat stones on your next hike. They can make excellent canvases for painting.

Harnessing your creativity in treatment and recovery can benefit your mental health and help you avoid relapse. Usually, when you are doing something creative, your energy and thoughts are focused on what you are creating. This allows you to ignore and fight cravings, drown out stressors, and feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Consider picking up some paintbrushes, or even take a few minutes to doodle or draft a quick poem. You might feel a little more relaxed and joyful as a result.

Everyone has the ability to create. Some may enjoy it more than others, but everyone is capable. For many, the challenge is finding something they actually enjoy doing or believe to be meaningful. There are tons of different activities that can incorporate creative expression. A few common mediums include painting, making music, sketching, writing, acting, and even cooking. Sometimes, trying some of these activities for the first time can lead to new hobbies or coping strategies when it comes to managing stress or processing trauma. At Enlightened Solutions, we facilitate various activities that promote creative expression and help clients recognize the impact. Our trained therapists provide art therapy, music therapy, horticulture therapy, and more. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, we would love to help. Call Enlightened Solutions at (833) 801-LIVE.

Why Good Communication Is Important in Treatment and Recovery

Being able to communicate is important for many things in life. For instance, you need to communicate effectively to get things you want and need. This can include things as simple as placing an order for lunch to bigger things such as applying for a grant for college or a home loan. Effective communication is also important when it comes to relationships and success in the workplace.

Good communication skills may come naturally to some, while others may need to work a little harder to be effective communicators. Addiction can be very isolating. In turn, you may find yourself communicating with others a bit less during this phase of life. Good communication is often dependent on practice and exposure to real-life scenarios. While you are battling substance abuse, you probably are not spending much time practicing these skills.

Seeking treatment for your addiction can help you improve your communication skills and teach you how to implement them into your life in recovery. A few reasons why good communication is critical in recovery are discussed below.

Good Communication Facilitates Healthy Relationships

It is no secret that forming relationships and connections in adulthood can be hard. If you are battling or recovering from addiction, you may experience even greater challenges when it comes to building new relationships. Having good communication skills allows you to relate to others. Relatability is often what sparks relationships and connections.

Addiction and even recovery can sometimes be very isolating. It is important to form connections with others whom you can trust. Having a good support network around you in recovery can increase your chances of success and help you stay on track. By communicating well with others, you can begin to develop these natural supports in treatment and continue to build your network in recovery.

Good Communication Motivates Self-Advocacy

Advocating for yourself is incredibly important in addiction recovery. There are about a million different scenarios that could call for self-advocacy. One example could involve boundary setting. Setting boundaries can be difficult, especially if the boundaries apply to those we love and care about. Being able to effectively communicate your need for space, understanding, etc., can help you get your point across while still preserving the relationship.

Advocacy can also refer to expressing your need for help or support. This is huge in recovery. Recognizing your need for help is only half of the battle. Possessing the ability to verbalize what you need and how you need support from others is essential. This is easier said than done and can take some practice.

You may benefit from writing down what you need first or talking things through with a therapist. This can help you feel more confident when having conversations with others that may feel a little uncomfortable.

Good Communication Can Influence Employment

Good communication is critical when it comes to employment in recovery. The ability to communicate effectively is important during every phase of the job-seeking and maintenance process. Good communication skills can even be reflected on your resume. The interview is your only chance for a good first impression. Being able to speak professionally and clearly about your experience and what you have to offer is imperative.

Good communication is also necessary for maintaining a job. You will be required to communicate effectively with coworkers, supervisors, customers, or all of the above for many jobs. Jobs often require teamwork or collaboration. Communicating well on the job is key to working successfully with others.

Enlightened Solutions helps clients build good communication in a variety of ways. We incorporate many different group wellness and therapeutic activities that allow clients to interact with their peers and staff members to help build a sense of community and support. We believe there is great value in learning in groups and encourage clients to work together and communicate to accomplish a common goal.

Building Communication Skills at Enlightened Solutions

Here at Enlightened Solutions, we also provide individual therapy and group therapy to help address some of the communication barriers that often accompany addiction and recovery. Opening up and sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be difficult. Individual therapy can help assess your specific struggles regarding processing and communication and offer strategies for working through these challenges. Group therapy offers an opportunity to practice these strategies and provides chances to learn from listening and interacting with others.

Good communication is important when getting what you want and need out of life in recovery. By developing and practicing communication skills during treatment, you can enter recovery feeling confident and capable of expressing yourself and connecting well moving forward.

Communicating effectively in recovery is important. You’ll need to convey your needs, set boundaries, and form healthy connections with others. You may even need to mend some relationships that may have been damaged as a result of your addiction. Developing strategies for communicating well during recovery can and should take place during treatment. At Enlightened Solutions, we help clients establish a firm foundation when it comes to communicating. We practice communicating effectively in therapy, during wellness groups and activities, during experiential therapy, and more. Our staff help clients enhance their communication skills in several areas pertaining to asking for help, setting boundaries, forming connections, and networking all while healing from their addiction. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction and could benefit from our program, we would love to hear from you. To begin your journey to recovery, call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

Why Connection With Yourself Matters

In life, connections are critical. They are essential to have when you need support. They are important when it comes to seeking and maintaining a job. Connections are also important when it comes to forming relationships and friendships.

While the connections with others are certainly valuable, the connection we have with our inner self is equally essential. It is common to lose touch with yourself as a result of addiction. Dependence on opioids, benzos, alcohol, or other substances can cause you to neglect your needs and wellness. Your priorities tend to shift during this time. You might forget about people or things that used to be important to you and bring you joy.

Once you make the decision to enter treatment, you can begin to rebuild your connection with yourself. Let’s discuss some tips for reconnecting.

How to Reconnect

Building a strong connection with your inner self is something that can take practice. Even without addiction, learning to tune in to that inner voice can be difficult. When you throw substance abuse in the mix, you are essentially re-learning the skills you may have had before your addiction.

Connecting with your inner self requires just that, skills. It seems easy enough, right? Believe it or not, for some, making external connections can be much easier. Connecting internally involves self-reflection and, sometimes, a lot of patience. You may need to practice sitting with your thoughts and working to drown out outside distractions. Here are a few methods to consider.

Practice Meditation

Mediation involves practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness encourages several things that can aid in your efforts to reconnect with yourself. Here are a few examples:

#1. Meditation usually takes place in a calm, quiet environment. This allows you to focus on your thoughts and feelings as they occur from moment to moment. It can be easy to drown out or misinterpret both with a lot of external stimuli.

#2. Meditation is usually practiced alone. Again, while forming and maintaining connections with others is incredibly valuable in treatment and recovery, you need to be alone to really connect with yourself.

#3. Meditation promotes relaxation. When you are stressed or tense, it is difficult to devote your full attention to your thoughts and feelings in the present moment.

Meditation is something that many choose to practice daily. Some may meditate in the morning before getting their day started, while others may choose to wrap up their day with some quiet time. Find what works best for you.

Connect With a Higher Power

Spirituality is an important component of addiction recovery for many reasons. Along with healing the body and mind, healing the spirit allows you to fill a void you may feel as you leave drugs and alcohol behind. You may feel as though you have lost your sense of identity. Spirituality will help you find it again.

Connecting with a higher power can be helpful as you rediscover yourself and determine who you are and who you want to be in recovery. It can help you reconnect with the things that bring you happiness and peace from within. Those who are open to spiritual practice are often less likely to relapse after treatment.

Meet Your Needs

Meeting your needs may sound simple, but it is not always as easy as it seems. In order to meet your needs, you must first understand what they are. This is where meditation and spirituality can help. Once you have determined what you need to feel fulfilled, purposeful, and happy, it is important to act on this knowledge.

One of the ways in which you can ensure your needs are met is through practicing self-care. Self-care can look different for everyone; some may require a little more maintenance than others. Life can get busy and hectic. Making time for things that can help you feel refreshed, energized, and motivated is critical.

A few examples could include:

  • Trying new hobbies
  • Spending time outdoors
  • Journaling
  • Creating art

The Value of Self-Connection

In addiction recovery, you must be incredibly self-aware to avoid getting off track. Having a good connection with your inner self allows you to be vigilant and proactive in caring for yourself to prevent relapse. Understanding your thoughts and feelings and staying present in the moment can make all the difference.

Knowing yourself well and prioritizing your needs can help you manage stress well, avoid triggers, and stay motivated to do the things that serve you well and support your goals. At Enlightened Solutions, we will help you develop strategies and implement routines to help you maintain the self-connection required to be successful.

Connections are an important part of life. We need connections in order to work, socialize, and form relationships. Perhaps the most important connection we can have is the one with our inner self. This connection can often become strained as a result of addiction. During treatment, it is important to rebuild the connection with ourselves that we have lost and learn strategies for maintaining it. At Enlightened Solutions, we incorporate many mindfulness-focused activities to help clients learn to listen and process their thoughts and feelings in the moment. This not only helps with healing but can also reduce stress, improve self-awareness, and help clients learn to recognize and meet their needs without drugs or alcohol. Our holistic treatment model offers a variety of programs designed to help you heal and become the best and healthiest version of yourself in recovery. To get help, call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

Why Should I Seek Holistic Treatment?

What do you think of when you hear the word holistic? Do you think of natural remedies? Do you think about things that connect the mind and body? The term holistic refers to a comprehensive approach. In terms of addiction recovery, holistic means treating the whole person.

At Enlightened Solutions, we believe in utilizing treatments and strategies that help unify and heal the mind, body, and spirit. After all, you need all three to fully recover from addiction. We aim to address all areas of wellness to ensure the best possible outcome.

Connecting the mind, body, and spirit will help you form relationships between your behaviors and emotions. Through activities promoting this connection, you can not only mentally and physically, but also spiritually.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation involve significant mind, body, and spirit collaboration. Our instructors help you develop a practice that serves you and enables you to heal. We tie in the 12-Step process to help connect what you are learning outside of the studio to what your body is doing in the studio.

Yoga and meditation connect the mind and body through mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness can help strengthen the connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

Acupuncture Practices

Acupuncture involves the use of tiny needles and pressure points. While it sounds a little daunting, it can be extremely relaxing and beneficial. We know that addiction can create chronic anxiety and stress. Our focus on the Autonomic Point and Shenmen helps ease stress and increase relaxation. This acupuncture technique also focuses on the Kidney Point, Liver Point, and Lung Point. The kidneys, liver, and lungs all play important roles in healing and recovering from addiction. Learn more about how addiction affects health here.

The advantages of acupuncture are immense. Each of the benefits addresses the healing of the mind, body, or spirit. A few of the benefits include improved sleep, mindfulness, reduced cravings, more energy, improved mood, and more. Read about more benefits of acupuncture here.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is all about resolving imbalances. Addiction creates imbalance and disruption to the mind, body, and spirit. Substances such as benzos, opioids, and alcohol are often used to suppress physical or emotional pain. During treatment at Enlightened Solutions, you will be encouraged to focus on and pay close attention to the pain you are experiencing. You can then learn how to cope and heal from the pain in healthy and natural ways.

Addiction leads to an abundance of tension, most of which is held in the neck and spine. When you are struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD), you are most likely eating poorly, failing to exercise, and neglecting all forms of self-care. In turn, stress and tension will build up in the body, causing more and more discomfort and pain. Our chiropractic care can help release this tension and restore your body’s natural balance.

Art and Music Therapy

Art and music therapy have a way of connecting us to ourselves and one another. These activities often occur in a group setting, allowing you to feel a sense of community and bond over shared experiences. Healing through the arts is something extraordinary. While traditional talk therapy has many advantages when it comes to addiction recovery, it is not always effective on its own.

Art and music therapy offer different methods for processing and expressing your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, you may not feel up to speaking about what you are feeling. Sometimes, it may feel more manageable to paint how you are feeling or listen to music that represents your current state.

Self-expression through art and music can be extremely healing and enlightening. Music and art often uncover emotions that otherwise would have remained unlocked. This powerful ability of music to aid in self-expression is essential for healing in recovery.

Enlightened Solutions doesn’t just claim to be a holistic treatment program – it lives up to the claim. The services mentioned above are only a few of the many offerings we provide to help promote the healing of the whole person.

We know that recovery will not be as successful without healing in all areas. Each day, our treatment team meets to discuss the progress and needs of everyone in our care. This is to ensure we are providing the best and most individualized holistic care possible to every client. Our programs help restore overall wellness and instill healing practices that clients are able to carry with them beyond treatment.

A holistic approach to treatment usually involves a variety of strategies and methods to address the healing of the whole person. When it comes to addiction recovery, holistic treatment is extremely beneficial for success. Our physical health affects our mental health. Our mental health affects our physical and spiritual health, and the pattern continues. In order to fully recover, you must work to improve each of these areas. At Enlightened Solutions, we have designed our program to encompass healing mediums and therapies to address the mind, body, and spirit. By strengthening all three and encouraging a connection between them, clients are better prepared to navigate recovery. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and could benefit from our holistic treatment program, we would love to speak with you. To get started, call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE

Healing Our Community for Over 20 Years

For any industry with a mission to serve, community inclusion and service are crucial to success and sustainability. Creating space for community members in need and offering something different to fulfill those needs is critical. Enlightened Solutions has accomplished this and more by finding creative ways to promote healing within the community.

For over two decades, the Enlightened Solutions family, rooted in the Hansen Foundation, has been immersed in the community through various events and hosting activities open to the public. By doing so, awareness of the services offered and the potential for community change and treatment through Enlightened’s unique treatment approaches has increased.

Our Founder

Jennifer Hansen is the founder of Enlightened Solutions and the well-known non-profit The Hansen Foundation. She created The Hansen Foundation approximately two decades ago to fund sober living facilities for men and women in South Jersey after entering recovery herself. After this success, Jennifer founded Enlightened Solutions to continue helping others who were impacted by substance abuse. Jennifer has dedicated herself to healing and restoring the community over the last two decades.

Jennifer lives a holistic lifestyle and believes in the value it can bring to community members and those in treatment and recovery. A yoga instructor herself, she incorporates yoga into the treatment programs offered at Enlightened Solutions. Through yoga, clients and community members can experience healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Specialized yoga classes tieing in the 12-Step process have been proven especially beneficial for those in treatment. Each of the Twelve Steps is associated with a unique yoga pose, allowing for a physical connection to that step.

Jennifer finds great value in consuming organic, nutritious foods and feels strongly about protecting and nurturing the earth that provides them. You will find that the menu at Enlightened Solutions sites is composed of locally grown fresh foods to promote healing from the inside out.

The Enlightened Farm

The Enlightened Farm serves as somewhat of a focal point and produces the nutrient-rich, organic foods that Enlightened Solutions offers its clients. Horticulture programs at the farm aim to bring together those battling addiction, those in recovery, and those who strive for holistic wellness.

Through the Regenerative Agriculture Program, organic vegetables, eggs, herbs, and flowers are produced and provided to the various Enlightened campuses and Serenity Houses in South Jersey. Things such as soil health, companion planting, and integration with wildlife are prioritized. The farm’s Sustainability Program involves transferring all food scraps from the various kitchen sites weekly to be used as compost creating organic fertilizer and topsoil.

The farm also hosts horticulture therapy. This allows clients to experience various natural mediums to promote healing, overall wellness, and environmental awareness. Sessions are offered to clients twice a week, and families are welcome to attend monthly to encourage reintegration. This alternative therapy is one of many offered by Enlightened Solutions.

The Enlightened Farm also provides opportunities for community service, volunteering, and employment. This can be a huge area of need for those in treatment or recovery. The Growing Gratitude Program offers weekly opportunities to serve the community through service at the farm.

The Enlightened Volunteer Program is a community-inclusive activity and is open to anyone interested in learning to care for a farm or wanting to contribute to the overall mission. Alumni, community members, and members of local organizations and businesses are welcome to participate.

By hosting Community Volunteer Day open to the public twice per month, community members are able to get involved and learn more about what Enlightened has to offer. Participating members are offered a free recreational class in appreciation for their efforts.

Seeking and securing employment can be difficult following treatment and during recovery. Enlightened Farm offers a Solid Roots Employment Program that assists those new to recovery in transitioning back into the work world. Benefits include job training, skill development, and positive socialization and fellowship.

Community Events

In addition to recurring offerings at the farm, Enlightened Solutions hosts a variety of events each year designed to serve and involve the community. Examples include a Charity Golf Tournament, Fluke Tournament, and drug and alcohol-free music festivals. By offering such events, the community becomes more aware of the mission and more inclined to consider getting involved.

Enlightened Solutions makes every effort to remain integrated into the community and extend its knowledge and belief in holistic healing. By offering programs and activities at the farm and hosting large events for the community, Enlightened continues to reach and positively impact more community members each year. Consider stopping by the farm or attending the next open event to experience the power of community healing for yourself.

Enlightened Solutions is unique in a variety of ways. In addition to our various holistic treatment modalities offered and whole-person healing objectives, we aim to serve and involve the community as much as possible. We believe in helping the community become healthier, more informed, and live more sustainably. The Enlightened Farm offers many programs to meet the needs of those in treatment, in recovery, or who want to learn more about farming or our mission. By providing opportunities for community service, volunteering, and employment, the farm can serve as a stepping stone for those in treatment or new to recovery as they regain their footing and prepare to re-enter the workforce. By involving the community in farm activities and local events, Enlightened Solutions touches lives and spreads the mission of the organization well beyond the facility doors. If you are in need of treatment, call Enlightened Solutions at (833) 801-LIVE.

How to Find Your Community in Treatment and Recovery

Everyone wants to feel like they belong. Feeling as though you are a part of something can be very encouraging and motivating. Having a close network of friends or supporters is so important when it comes to a good quality of life.

Finding and feeling a sense of community is critical when it comes to treatment and recovery. Typically, following addiction, you will have a very different group of friends with whom you spend your time. Many may find themselves feeling isolated and alone as they enter treatment and begin recovery. Enlightened Solutions facilitates many opportunities to meet like-minded people and integrate into the recovery community.

We understand how important it is to feel like you belong and serve as a part of something bigger than just yourself. We encourage you to make healthy connections and engage with other clients, alumni, and community members during treatment and your recovery.

Group Learning

One of the ways in which Enlightened Solutions creates a sense of community is by encouraging group learning when it comes to wellness and nutrition. We place a significant emphasis on health and wellness during the treatment process. We do this because we know the importance of holistic health and how feeling good physically and mentally aids in your recovery.

We find that when it comes to health and wellness, people tend to learn better in groups. This allows for exchanging ideas, brainstorming, and providing encouragement to one another as you discover new strengths, interests, and ways of life.

Enlightened Solutions offers various health and wellness groups and activities, such as yoga and meditation in group settings. These activities can be very beneficial in establishing a mind and body connection that is essential to good mental and physical health.

We also offer food-based activities such as gardening in the form of horticulture therapy at our Enlightened Farm. This allows you to understand the value of organic, nutritious foods. It also allows you to explore the benefits of fresh herbs and fresh fruits and vegetables when it comes to healing.

Group Therapy

In addition to the food and exercise focus group activities, Enlightened Solutions offers many experiential therapies that promote teamwork and a sense of community among our clients. These activities often encourage sharing personal experiences, struggles, and feelings in the form of art, music, poetry, and more. Allowing you to express yourself in creative ways can be extremely healing and can encourage and facilitate peer connections.

We also offer a variety of therapy groups. We know that there are tremendous benefits when it comes to group therapy for substance-abuse treatment. We also understand that there are advantages to both coed and gender-specific environments. Often, gender-specific therapy can be beneficial in the beginning stages of treatment. This is a time when you are just learning to become comfortable sharing your experiences and struggles aloud. Creating a space of same-gender peers can often make you feel a little more comfortable sharing. This provides a sense of safety, belonging, and relatability within the group.

Community Involvement

Enlightened Solutions makes many efforts to remain connected to the community and allow alumni clients to continue to stay engaged. One of the ways in which we do this is through the Enlightened Farm. Our farm serves many functions, one of which is community engagement. The farm hosts volunteer days, which always pull in community members and provide opportunities to learn more about our recovery-based organization. This allows you to stay connected with Enlightened Solutions programs and helps other supportive community members to get involved.

Forming connections and building your community in treatment and recovery is essential. Having a good support network can help hold you accountable, keep you motivated, and allow you to stay on track and avoid relapse. In order to build relationships and connections, you have to know how to communicate and network within your community. Through our programs at Enlightened Solutions, you will learn how to communicate better, form quality relationships, and maintain those connections that are healthy and serve you well. We offer a variety of classes to help you develop these skills and facilitate daily opportunities to practice them during your time in treatment with us.

Surrounding yourself with other supportive, like-minded people is key to success in recovery from addiction long-term. At Enlightened Solutions, we create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages healing and growth for everyone. By beginning to build your connections and support network in treatment, you are sure to feel a sense of belonging and community in recovery.

Feeling a sense of community is critical for everyone. No one enjoys feeling isolated and alone. The truth is, recovery and treatment for drug or alcohol addiction can be a little isolating and leave you feeling like others may not understand or be able to relate. At Enlightened Solutions, we understand the importance of belonging. We help clients form positive relationships and learn to develop and maintain a good support network in and after treatment. We offer a variety of group therapy styles and learning experiences throughout treatment that will help you begin to build your community in recovery. If you or someone you care about is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, we would love to help them heal and find their sense of community in recovery. If you need help, please call Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE. Our caring team is here for you. 

How to Prioritize Exercise During Treatment and Recovery

Exercise can often be a hate-it or love-it scenario. Usually, you either really enjoy and look forward to exercising or you make excuses or justify why you just cannot make the time. Do you look forward to going to the gym each day after work? Maybe you roll your eyes and sigh at the mere thought of stepping foot in a gym. Or, maybe you fall somewhere in between.

The truth is, exercise really is an essential thing for everyone. Whether you are someone who enjoys spending several hours in the gym each day or you have to drag yourself off of the couch to take a 20-minute walk outside, it is beneficial for all of us.

Exercise During Treatment

When it comes to addiction, your body has been through a lot. Substance use takes a huge toll on you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Exercise can help in all of these areas. Incorporating some form of exercise into your routine during treatment is important.

At Enlightened Solutions, we introduce you to a variety of ways in which you can get some exercise. Some may be more exercise-intentional than others. We have a considerable focus on yoga at our facility as we find that yoga, with its mind-body connecting component, can be very beneficial during treatment and recovery. We also offer a variety of experiential therapy activities that involve physical activity. These can include surfing, paddle boarding, fishing, and more.

Maybe you despise all of the previously mentioned activities but really have a green thumb. The great news is that even gardening can be considered a form of exercise if you allow it to be. If you have ever worked in a garden, you know it can be hard work. Digging, planting, and pulling weeds can be physically demanding. The point is that there are many activities that align with all different interests and personalities that can allow you to incorporate some physical activity into your life.

Benefits of Exercise

It is incredibly important for you to schedule in some physical activity throughout your week. As you go through treatment – and, later, recovery – you are working to heal your body and mind. Exercise helps with this process. Physical activity is known to improve both physical and mental health and functioning. It helps with things like stress levels, focus, sleep, and energy. Exercise can also aid in organ function, digestion, and bone and muscle strength. You can experience all of the benefits just described, and more, just by prioritizing physical activity.

Using substances such as opioids, benzos, and drinking alcohol in excess can really affect your overall health. It can also affect your brain functioning by interrupting typical thought patterns and processing ability. Because exercise promotes better focus and more energy, you are more likely to benefit from therapy and other activities during treatment if you are physically active.

Exercise can also boost confidence. Recovering from addiction can leave you with lots of different emotions. Having the confidence to go back to real life after treatment is critical. Feeling your best both mentally and physically can help you tackle challenges that may come during recovery.

Consider taking that yoga class, or joining the gym down the street. Play some tennis or go golfing with a friend. Or, maybe start with taking a walk a couple of times a week during your lunch break. You are bound to see and feel a difference both mentally and physically.

Find Activities You Enjoy

The great news is that you do not have to be a world-class athlete to incorporate and benefit from a little exercise. You can alter and adapt it to your lifestyle and your interests. Exercise should not feel like a chore. The key is finding activities that you actually enjoy. Maybe you hate going to the gym but really love being outside. Take a few laps around your neighborhood during your lunch break, or schedule in some time over the weekend to do some hiking. Maybe swimming is more your thing. Many gyms have swimming pools, and many communities offer public pools you can use to swim for exercise.

Try thinking about exercise in simple terms. How can you move my body today? Think about your schedule and what you have to accomplish, and consider where you might be able to squeeze in some extra steps or a quick bike ride. Even if it is just for a few minutes each day or a couple of times a week, you will feel much better physically and mentally as a result.

Exercise and physical activity are essential for everyone. Some may really enjoy exercise and consider it to be a consistent part of their everyday routine. Others may really dislike exercise and avoid places like the gym at all costs. Think about the things you enjoy, and consider tailoring your exercise routines to your interests. That is the key to long-term success when it comes to exercise. Physical activity improves the way you feel physically and mentally. It can promote better organ function, metabolic function, focus, sleep, and improve energy levels. Enlightened Solutions takes a holistic approach to help clients heal. We prioritize health and wellness and encourage activities such as yoga, paddleboarding, and more as part of our treatment program. If you or someone you care about could benefit from our holistic treatment approach, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Reach out to Enlightened Solutions today at (833) 801-LIVE.

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